Pioneer Park, 1 Russell St, Evandale TAS 7212, Australia
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Pioneer Park, 1 Russell St, Evandale TAS 7212, Australia
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Come prepared with the right essentials, and you'll enjoy a fun day of barbecuing in PIONEER PARK. For more information, check out our What to Bring to a Public BBQ guide.
We do also list wood fired BBQs on this site, so check the above descriptions and photos to be prepared.
Check out our How To Use Public BBQ Guide for further information.
If you are convinced that the BBQ has issues, then contact Northern Midlands council and let them know it's faulty.
Generally, it is permissible to utilize your own gas BBQ, provided it remains under continuous supervision. However, the usage of Charcoal BBQ's is typically restricted, with the exception of parks equipped with designated charcoal disposal bins.
Check out our guide on Portable BBQs in Aussie Parks and Beaches for more information.